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innovate it_innovate it

时间:2023-05-23 22:15 阅读数:2245人阅读

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The Innovate IT camps are back!Microsoft LearnStay tuned for news of camps in the new year!For information,please check out the Innovate IT homepage.innovate是什么意思|innovate的音标|innovate的用法-英语词典11.It also impairs the ability of the brain to innovate. 它也消弱大脑创新的能力。12.Daring to innovate is the problem of the platitude in IT industry already,when the problem that 。

INNOVATE-汉语翻译-bab.la英语-汉语词典Faculties not only innovate,but also conduct applied research on innovation processes public policies,organizational processes,history and a range of important topics. Its core innovate是什么意思,innovate怎么读,innovate翻译为:听力课堂在线翻译innovate的中文意思:,点击查看详细解释:innovate的中文翻译、innovate的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握innovate这个单词。

innovate是什么意思,innovate怎么读,innovate翻译为:听力课堂在线翻译innovate的中文意思:,点击查看详细解释:innovate的中文翻译、innovate的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握innovate这个单词。2012年新gre考试填空词汇:innovate-英语-全国等级考试资料网It is necessary to innovate and develop military theories. 创新和发展军事理论。The ability to innovate and operate independently. 有创新能力,并能独立工作。We will unceasingly 。

innovate是什么意思_innovate的翻译_逍遥右脑So,it must want to innovate,change,carry fast. 所以,它必须要创新,改变,提速。They can innovate by promoting remedies that are otherwise unfeasible or remote. 有些疾病的疗法并不innovate是什么意思_innovate在线翻译_读音_用法_例句_含义-查字典网3.It is necessary to innovate and develop military theories. 创新和发展军事理论. 来自汉英非文学-十六大报告4.They have a hunger to take responsibility,to innovate,and to initiate. 。

innovate是什么意思_innovate的翻译_英语单词So,it must want to innovate,change,carry fast. 所以,它必须要创新,改变,提速。They can innovate by promoting remedies that are otherwise unfeasible or remote. 有些疾病的疗法并不innovate详尽意思_懂视_懂你更懂生活So,it must want to innovate,change,carry fast. 所以,它必须要创新,改变,提速。They can innovate by promoting remedies that are otherwise unfeasible or remote. 有些疾病的疗法并不。



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