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黑苹果补充:MacOS镜像提取Recovery制作恢复盘作者:qianseyue之前写MacOS和Win双系统的装机经历,有值友要我分享下MacOS镜像提取Recovery文件的过程,就简单说说。教程利用工具是GibMacOS,在Github可以下载得到。双击运行gibMacOS.bat文件。gibMacOS里输入M,可以手动选择MacOS的版本。例如需要MacOS Catalina...
...企业惠及民生 Shanghai announces action plan for economic recoverythe municipal government of Shanghai on Sunday launched an action plan to speed up economic recovery. 为统筹好常态化疫情防控与经济社会发展,上海市政府5月29日发布《上海市加快经济恢复和重振行动方案》,包括50条政策措施。 Under the plan, composed of 50 policies and mea...
...复苏至关重要 Raising household disposable incomes key to recoverythough recovery in household consumption has been relatively slow. There is still a certain gap between current household consumption levels and originally expected levels, or the trendline level for the sector. The gap is mainly attributable to some nonessential consumption sectors including...