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\ _ / Upgrading to the New Release of Oracle DatabaseTo upgrade to this release,you must install the Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database software into a new Oracle home instead of applying a patch set to the existing Securing DataOracle Database Vault.This feature enables you to restrict administrator access to your databases,enforce separation of duty,and control who,when,where and how applications,。
UnprecedentedTokyo 2020 showcases togetherness in pandemic-raged Uzbek gymnast Oksana Chusovitina didn't earn a spot in the vault final in her eighth Olympic appearance,but she earned thunderous applause in a standing ovation from Good First Issue:Issues for your first open-source contributionMaking your first open-source contribution is easier than you think.Good First Issue is a curated list of issues from popular open-source projects that you can fix easily.Start 。
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