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⊙﹏⊙ 我的宿舍英语作文(通用12篇)我的宿舍英语作文篇1 My dormitory room is on the second floor. It is small and crowded.The dark green walls and the dirty white ceiling make the room seem dark,and thus even 简短介绍宿舍的英语作文_芝士回答Our dormitory is located in the second floor of the dormitory building.I have five roommates,including me,we're six people all in all sharing the room.And of course,all of us are 。

精选我的宿舍英语作文10篇我的宿舍英语作文1 My dormitory room is on the second floor. It is small and crowded.The dark green walls and the dirty white ceiling make the room seem dark,and thus even smaller 我的宿舍英语作文(精选22篇)我的宿舍英语作文篇1 my dormitory room is on the second floor.it is small and crowded.t he da rk green walls and the dir ty white ceiling make the room seem dark,and thu s even 。

∩▽∩ 写一篇关于宿舍的英语短文不用太长有翻译内容我们要分宿舍了舍不得我们平时融洽相处互相关照晚上熄灯后说话到很晚无话不谈我们宿舍很疯狂宿舍号为714 We will be divide into several groud and live in different domitory,we 简短介绍宿舍的英语作文_百度知道Our dormitory is located in the second floor of the dormitory building.I have five roommates,including me,we're six people all in all sharing the room.And of course,all of us are 。

简短介绍宿舍的英语作文_芝士回答Our dormitory is located in the second floor of the dormitory building.I have five roommates,including me,we're six people all in all sharing the room.And of course,all of us are 校园宿舍生活必备简单口语_实战英语口语-可可英语1.not bother or interfere with;not touch 不要打扰;不要碰Go way and leave me alone. 走开,不要管我. You leave my sister alone or I'll be telling my father. 别惹我妹妹,不然我要告诉我。

我的宿舍英语作文80字_懂视移动端简短介绍宿舍的英语作文everyday.Wehavesharedourdutiesincleaningandmaintainingagoodstudyingenvironmentinourdormitory.Weworkedsmoothlywitheachother.I'mgladthatthroughthetime,学习型宿舍,learning dormitory,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典但是,课题复杂彼此没有意义联系的材料,用部分学习的效果好:课题简短或具有意义联系的材料,用整体学习的效果好。在进行学习时,可以将部分学习与整体学习结合起来,先进行整体学习再进行部分。

